Handle unfairness like a PRO!

Sometimes, things seem like they need to be more fair. You might feel sad or upset when someone does something that doesn't seem right. It's like when your friend takes your favorite toy without asking or when someone gets a bigger piece of cake than you at a party. It can make you feel frustrated or angry, and that's okay.

But here's the thing: even though things might not seem fair, it's important to stay calm and consider what you can do. First, it's okay to talk about how you feel. You can tell a grown-up you trust, like your mom, dad, or teacher. They can help you understand what happened and find a solution.

Next, try to understand why someone might have acted unfairly. Maybe they didn't realize they were hurting your feelings or were having a bad day themselves. It doesn't make their actions right, but it can help you see things from their point of view.

It's also important to remember that you can't control what other people do but can control how you react. Instead of getting mad or getting even, try to be kind and patient. You can share your toy with your friend or ask for a turn later. Or you could talk to the person who took the bigger cake and ask if you can share it.

Finally, remember to be fair to yourself too. Treat yourself with kindness and respect, just like you would treat your friends. If you're upset, taking a break and doing something you enjoy, like reading a book or playing outside, is okay.

So, even though unfairness can be tough to deal with, remember that you're not alone. Talk to someone you trust, understand why it happened, and be kind to yourself and others. With patience and kindness, you can handle unfairness like a pro!

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