Bright Minds, Humble Means

In modest homes, where shadows play,
Bright minds awaken with the day.
Their dreams, like stars, in silence gleam,
Though poverty may dull their sheen.

With tattered books and hand-me-downs,
In crowded rooms of urban towns,
They find the spark in simple things,
A world of wonder knowledge brings.

Their shoes are worn, their clothes threadbare,
Yet in their eyes, ambition's flare.
They tackle lessons, seize each chance,
With hope to change their circumstance.

No wealth to buy the latest trend,
Yet intellect becomes their friend.
They study late by candlelight,
Their futures built on dreams so bright.

In classrooms small, with hearts so wide,
They face the world, undenied.
For though their pockets may be light,
Their minds possess a boundless sight.

They rise above the hunger's pang,
Their spirits strong, their hearts sang.
For in their quest, they pave the way,
To brighter nights and brighter days.

In humble means, they find their power,
Their knowledge grows with every hour.
Bright minds that rise above the din,
In poverty, their strength begins.

For every challenge, every strife,
They build a better, richer life.
Their dreams, like stars, forever gleam,
Bright minds that live beyond the dream.

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