Echoes of Peace

In fields where once the poppies bloomed,
Now shadows fall, the earth consumed.
A somber dance of steel and fire,
Where dreams and hopes, they all expire.

The drums of war, they beat their tune,
A dirge that echoes 'neath the moon.
Men march to battle, hearts weighed down,
In search of glory, wearing a frown.

Yet in the midst of this turmoil grim,
There lies a hope, a whispered hymn.
For in the hearts of those who dare,
A flame still burns, a fervent prayer.

Let swords be sheathed, let guns be stilled,
Let hatred die, let love rebuild.
For peace is not just absence of war,
But a bond that binds us, forevermore.

So let us raise our voices high,
And strive for peace beneath the sky.
For in our unity, we shall find,
A world where war is left behind.

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