[ RESLE 5 ] Philippine Real Estate Service Licensure Exam Reviewer V

Real Estate Service Licensure Exam Practice Test V

Philippine Real Estate Service Licensure Exam Practice Test


Please answer each question to the best of your ability. Each question is multiple choice, and only one answer per question is correct. Select the most appropriate answer from the options provided. There are 20 questions in total.

When you have completed all questions, click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page to see your score. Good luck!

An appraiser in Metro Manila is tasked with valuing a property that has undergone significant renovations. What should be their first step?

An appraiser is comparing two similar properties in Cebu but notices one has a significantly larger lot size. How should this be accounted for in the appraisal?

A property in Quezon City has unique features such as a swimming pool and landscaped gardens. How should these features be factored into the appraisal?

An appraiser is evaluating a commercial property that has experienced fluctuating occupancy rates. What is the best approach to determine its value?

A real estate appraiser is using the sales comparison approach in a rural area. What unique factor should they consider?

A homeowner has made extensive green renovations, such as solar panels and rainwater harvesting systems. How should an appraiser evaluate these improvements?

An appraiser must adjust comparable sales for a property that has a larger square footage than the comparables. What is the appropriate adjustment method?

A property in a high-demand area is appraised at a lower value than expected. What could be a potential reason?

An appraiser uses the cost approach for a new commercial building. What key component should they include in their analysis?

An appraiser is tasked with valuing a mixed-use property. What unique considerations should they keep in mind?

A real estate appraiser in Baguio is analyzing the impact of local infrastructure projects on property values. What should be their approach?

An appraiser is reviewing a property with a unique architectural style. What should they ensure when using comparables?

An appraiser is conducting a feasibility study for a proposed real estate development. What is a critical aspect of this study?

A real estate appraiser is reviewing a property with environmental concerns. How should this impact their valuation process?

An appraiser in Davao is tasked with determining the market value of a property in a rapidly changing neighborhood. What should they consider?

A property appraiser must account for economic obsolescence when valuing a factory. What is an example of this?

An appraiser is valuing a property with significant deferred maintenance. What is the best approach?

An appraiser is analyzing a neighborhood that has recently undergone gentrification. What should they assess?

A real estate appraiser is using a discounted cash flow analysis for a rental property. What is a key factor to include?

An appraiser is tasked with valuing a historical property. What is a crucial consideration in their analysis?


If you want to improve your score, there are more practice tests available here.

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